Sleeping on the big dogs' raised cot bed |
5 weeks old, and time to show these pups the world. The pups are no longer content to be pen puppies, but instead are anxious to get out and run around the house. Still too cold to go outside, but hopefully will be able to by middle of next week. The pups have many different toys and obstacles to challenge them, and we are making lots of noise (clapping, TV, radio, banging cabinet doors, etc). We are also implimenting simple rules such as sit for attention, to get fed, get picked up, etc. Temperaments are starting to separate, with some pups being more outgoing, whereas others are more mellow. All appear to be nicely confident and social. And so far, the litter is quite quiet, which is always a good thing. Pups gained another 1 1/2 lbs last week. Penny is still the little girl at 6 lbs 1 oz, and Maggie the big girl at 7 lbs 1 oz. Most of the pups weigh approximately 6 1/2 lbs. Yoko is still nursing, but I am starting to reduce her food and limit how much the puppies nurse. The pups are eagerly eating their kibble.